
Maize or corn became a domesticated crop in Central America 8,000 years ago, and though agriculture has become untenable, it remains an important food source for horticulturalists in the Fifth World.


Maize plays the role of a pioneer plant, thriving in disturbed soil. It requires a lot of nitrogen, sun, and water.

#Human relationship

Ancient Native Americans in Central America domesticated maize thousands of years ago, and it spread north and south from there. After European colonization, it spread even further, into Europe and even Asia. Shortly before collapse, civilized humans grew high-sugar, low-nutrition cultivars in vast monocultures, draining the soil of nutrients. However, some people continued breeding older, more nutritious cultivars, in a rainbow of colors. Many of these varieties survived to the Fifth World, and find themselves planted widely across the globe.

#Maize People

When a community focuses on its relationship with maize to make a living, it can shape their lives in a wide variety of ways. A few examples include:

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